Saturday 27 October 2012

Nails, Nails, Nails

Oh Halloween..... this is the FIRST year that I have been toying with the idea of staying home and drinking in a less "let me grind my man bits on your ass parts" bar kind of way. Maybe it's the whole marriage thing, or maybe its the fact that I no longer have the patience it once took to put up with that type of shit. Seriously. I make better drinks than the bar does, I play music I like, I don't have to pay extremely high prices, AND I can dance NAKED in my living room FOR FREE without fear of being arrested. Horrible flashbacks are repeating in my mind of when I thought it would be a good idea to go to THE MULE (seedy night club in Penticton) to see Sak Noel. Ok the truth is I got free tickets and figured it would be a good excuse to drink my face off; so I went.  I didn't even know his one hit; "what the fuck," but that didn't really seem to matter because it only had three words in it anyway and I was too mesmerized by his coked-out dancers to really give two shits. Thank Christ the tickets were free. The precious hours of my life however? I will never get back. Where the balls is this post going??

My point, I think, is that I find as I am getting "older" I have discovered myself to be much better company than the other 99% of the population. Don't get me wrong, at most times I can't stand myself and I truly do pity the poor bastard that married me - he is long suffering. BUT! Even if I was single and looking; the last goddamn place I would go would be the bar; christ, I would have better odds at the Greyhound station in Merrit than take my chances elsewhere. Maybe it's the way I party, because no matter the shit hole or "happenin'" city I find myself in, I always have some messed up experience; like that time at Pride in Vancouver where I got lost, bought a transvestite named Tamara a cheese dog from 7-11, and took (what should have been a 5 min cab ride)  for 45 minutes because for the life of me I could not remember where my hostel was. To make matters worse I had to "bunk up" with a hostel mate that I didn't know and who had more hair on her legs than a male gorilla. I have never wanted a shower so bad in my life. On the plus side I managed to acquire someone else's t-shirt and their gucci sunglasses. HMMMM.

Ok, one more mention of babies here because I feel it is necessary to defend what may be interpreted as "human hate." So not two days after my mention of "baby Facebook," I go in to get my nails done at "Nails, Nails, Nails," which is usually a sanctuary of sorts for me as "Bella" speaks little English but makes nice conversation with me regardless. So anyway, within 5 minutes of sitting down she tells me that she is pregnant; naturally, I am excited for her and begin to ask her questions about "how far along she is," and "what names does she like." Within seconds the conversation turns to "how to get pregnant," which is not something I am looking for information on or "coaching" for that matter. My apprehension didn't seem to phase her and for the next 45 minutes, through broken english and hand gestures, I was able to make out; "cum" "lay on your back for 4 hours afterwards," "do it at 4am so you can go back to sleep," AND, "keep your legs in the air." WHAT THE FRICKEN FRACK!!! Even my nail lady is in on this. May I point out, that if conceiving a baby requires me to stay on my back for 4 hours and have sex in the early am; you can count this bitch out.

I am seriously convinced that Jesus is against me; the following evening I was "holding it" until I got home when an unexpected urge to sneeze appeared and I ended up pissing my skirt in the lobby of my apartment building. I thought this shit only happened to women who have HAD babies?? As my mother said, " you better start doing some "exercises" if that's the state you're in."

Tuesday 23 October 2012

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward"

You know those times where it probably isn't a good idea to go out in public or communicate with anyone of the human species due to your horribly un-excused attitude?? Well it's one of those times for me; I almost choked a bitch in the save-on foods check out; except it wasn't a bitch, it was a 9 year old boy annoying the living shit out of me and his oblivious father that has no doubt instilled those "talents" into his child. It's always the people who should have been deemed "unfit" to be parents that seem to procreate like rabbits and produce little mini versions of themselves. Wholy Christ. Whew. Maybe it's the fact that Facebook appears to have become "Baby" central as of late; goddamn, I fully expect that the next add to appear on my timeline wall will go something like this;

 "Get your 1939 Nun Cornette and Habit at 50% off if you buy now. Your ovaries may have given up on you, but Jesus hasn't!"

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against babies, people having babies, and the fact that I don't have one (Thank Jesus - pun intended); but goddamn, I already have put enough pressure on myself to PICK A CAREER (and stick with it) and to finally finish school that the last thing I need is a constant reminder of the many "milestones in life" that I have yet to even ponder. Maybe I should have thought about this before I "accepted" successful people as my friends on Facebook. I need more sub-par friends that I can compare my life to and  feel good about myself selfishly while I sleep at night. I guess that's why I like watching The Biggest Loser while eating horrible shit food. But lets be honest, and I may just be tooting my own horn here, but making a baby or getting successfully fat don't take much effort do they?? (in most cases)??? For sweet shit sakes, you could do them both at the same time!!! Getting a degree however takes years of procrastination, debt, dignity sacrifice, and the conclusion that any chance of "normalcy" can pretty much be thrown at the proverbial shit fan. Maybe I'm going to become one of those socially-stigmatized women that "chooses her career over raising a family?".......................Probably not as I'm pretty sure that I'm destined to have some sort of fetal surprise (mistake) in my future. Well, then again, there's really no need to worry as I think there has been enough "Jesus slander" and anti-human race comments to ensure me a speedy one way ticket straight to hell.
Until next time.

Friday 19 October 2012

The past two weeks have felt like I've been sliding down a slippery shit-stormed slope; the end doesn't look too promising either. I returned back to Penticton from my relaxing weekend of Thanksgiving gluttony to find the first "nugget" of shit in the form of my vehicle. My (actually its Fraser's)1994 Mazda Protege had decided to officially DIE upon my arrival home; Jesus was obviously of Fraser's side as the car was working fine while I was away. So Fraser departs the next morning for a week of hockey crap, and I am left with not only  the pleasure of a clean house (not) but my transportation options were now either the BUS or taxi. I may be cheap, but clearly not cheap enough to succumb to public transportation; instead I paid out the asshole in cab fare. OH! My favourite "highlight" of the week was waking up on my first day back to work and realizing that the toilet paper fairy had used the last roll and forgot to magically purchase more. That bitch better shape up or ship out.

On a lighter note I had sooo much fun drinking wine and vodka on my home vacation that it has given me lasting hope that Christmas is only a few short months away. I'm sure by that time I will have digested the baby-sized amount of food I ate and will most likely have sobered up by then. Also, I have had to go with a rental car for the past week and since Budget was out of economy cars, I am now driving a black Impala; I am secretly living out my dreams of being a female pimp/drug lord. It's amazing what driving a new car can do for the ego; each morning I secretly hope the Mazda has been stolen and driven to Mexico. The car depreciates my sense of self worth. Once again, the amount of complaining in this post makes me feel like slapping myself square in the face; if car troubles and over-eating are my only two problems, I deserve to be shit kicked.

One of my many "realizations" this week came quickly after visiting the dentist today. Now, usually I choose not to think about my student loan debt or the insane amount of money I have wasted on nicotine gum; but today was one of those days where I had to face the facts. I figured that unless I rob a bank or become a prostitute, I will be paying "maximum fees" until I can secure some sort of job that has DECENT benefits. You know, it's times like these that I find a soft place in my bitter heart for criminals, those that misuse the "system", and others that "give it to the man." The fear of WHAT would happen to me in prison is the only thing preventing me from becoming one of the above mentioned people. Basically, my two choices are to become homeless and invest all my money into my teeth, or, become one of those gap-toothed hobbits with dry socket and tooth decay; none of these options are enticing to say the least. Maybe I should just throw in the towel and get dentures.

The past few days have made me extremely bitter towards anything that costs money; hence why I am spending my Friday night at home eating a jar of pickled beets for dinner. I did however make it to the gym today; it is amazing how great I feel afterwards, it's the "getting there" part that is most difficult. Regardless, I will admit that my "outlook on society" is probably tampered by the fact that I stayed up until 2am lastnight watching the Hunger Games and then proceeded to contemplate how I would survive if I were "chosen." Christ. I also watched, "Seeking a friend for the end of the world;" which resulted in me trying to decided what I would do if the world was going to end. I basically decided that I would spend some of my time eating myself sick and wearing my "no sex pants" - pajama pants.

The Mazda had returned home; about as exciting as finding 2 week old dirty underwear.

Friday 5 October 2012

I would first like to start out by stating that I am completely uncomfortable with public displays of affection; mine and others. I really don't know where this stems from...maybe being completely grossed out as a child watching my dad and his wife at the time kiss...I don't know but the 4.5 hour drive to Vancouver warranted ample time to ponder my many "thoughts." I caught a ride with a distant family member (in-law) which I am very thankful for, though riding in a truck definitely did not allow the appropriate amount of room for myself, him, and his new girlfriend. Maybe I have turned the corner and become a bitter old married hag or maybe it was the fart I held in all the way from Penticton clouding my perception, but if the space in that truck was any smaller in proximity; I could have quite possibly been a member of an incestial road-orgy.

I am currently sitting on the ferry waiting for it to bring me back to my beautiful island; my luck, however, has landed me directly outside the women's washroom; nothing like the smell of shit and whitespot to stir up an appetite. Filled with screaming over-tired children, teenagers (I can complain about them now because I've come to terms with being classified as "old"), poorly dressed members of society, and of course BC ferries workers. I for one, no matter how much they paid me, would never take a job here, those blue pants almost beat out Tim Hortons in the, "how many feet can we add to your ass" - pants contest. I'll pass.

On a good note, I got a raise at work, so I have now moved up from being a "below poverty line" student to a"just skimming the poverty line" student. It's amazing what $1.00 can do to a person's optimism, really. Some part of me obviously cares remotely about my job because I have decided to not publicly post what I'd like to tell them about that dollar and where a nice place for it might be. Compared to last year, atleast I'm employed.

All in all, the travel is well worth it though; I'm looking forward to seeing my family and being home for Thanksgiving; which just so happens to be my favourite holiday of the year. This is also one of the few holidays that I don't cry at, unlike Christmas and my birthday. I'm also looking forward to drinking lots of wine, just drinking lots of wine.

Happy Thanksgiving All!!! May your festive celebrations be as dysfunctional as mine!!!

Tuesday 2 October 2012

That thong tha thong thong thong......

So I have managed to go another week relatively unscathed from my rather chaotic life at the moment. You would think that after four years of University I would come to the conclusion that working full time and going to school full time is not going to benefit my personal and/or mental health....but noooo. I know it's the start of a new semester at school when I start to cry uncontrollably at any commercial with animals or babies in it (emotional instability), my body breaks out in hives (physical reaction to stress), and my diet begins to consist of anything that can be microwaved, blended, or ready-to-serve. Needless to say; the end result is not pretty. I keep telling myself that in less than one year I can have my life back...except I'm not entirely sure what that looks like. I think I'm still 99% stuck on the fact that I will win the lottery; like that time this woman called me twice in regards to being "re-entered" to win a Lexus; I was effing convinced I was going to win and had even planned out what I would do with the money after I won it (and sold it). Flash forward 2 years and I'm still scratching Gold Rush tickets. I won $6 dollars last week; tripled my initial investment.

Don't get me wrong, there are waaaay more things that I enjoy in my life than despise. Thank-god for my friends and family..oh and my wonderful husband ( the word still seems foreign to me as I was convinced for the majority of my years before this that I would remain single and have a cat-breeding farm somewhere in the woods...however part of that dream is still possible?)

In other news. Had the in-laws up for the weekend, how fitting that it was Wine Fest! Saturday involved me finishing a paper with 1.5 hours to spare and then spending the rest of the day, afternoon, and evening drinking copious amounts of liquids with varying alcohol contents. Things that I remember, or that I was told I did that evening:

Going for lunch at Hillside and drinking half a bottle of wine - remembered
Doing a wine tasting a various wineries - (remembered)
Having over $150 of wine bought for me by my lovely family - (Seriously? Of course)
Going back to the hotel, drinking vodka on the rocks (thanks mother-in-law) and getting dressed - (slightly blurry)
Going pee at the restaurant and realizing that my thong was on backwards all morning: (Why yes I do!)
Going to the Vees Game- (Remember entering and drinking above-mentioned vodka out of a water bottle)
Peeing in the bushes outside of the rink in front of my in-laws (NO)
Eating chicken wings and food at the restaurant - (Barely, though I remember not finishing my drink)
Taking a cab ride home (Apparently) ....side note, I woke up on Sunday morning and said to Fraser;

 "I actually don't feel that badly and I remember most of everything, except the cab ride home was a little blurry"
FRASER: "Well that's because I DROVE home"

All in all it was a pretty classy night, I really have no idea what I even talked about or if I was even able to talk; the morning resulted in me hoping, as I always do after a night like that, that everyone else was equally as shitfaced as I was.

It is now Tuesday and I think I am finally over my hangover. I don't get it, the old people drank me under the table and were twice my age; not to mention they were all up before 8 am the next morning while I was still asleep in a vodka induced coma. So much for a healthy start to October. It's bad enough that I already dislike Monday's, but heading to work after a weekend of above-legal blood alcohol levels could closely resemble HELL. I came home that evening and ate my weight in Turkey casserole; lazed around on the couch in my "no sex pants" as Fraser calls them, and then just before going to bed I realized that I had somehow over-looked a paper that was due in 4 hours; nothing like last minute. For fuck sakes.

Now to recover and do it all over again next weekend; hopefully this time I'll have my big girl panties on straight.