Tuesday 2 October 2012

That thong tha thong thong thong......

So I have managed to go another week relatively unscathed from my rather chaotic life at the moment. You would think that after four years of University I would come to the conclusion that working full time and going to school full time is not going to benefit my personal and/or mental health....but noooo. I know it's the start of a new semester at school when I start to cry uncontrollably at any commercial with animals or babies in it (emotional instability), my body breaks out in hives (physical reaction to stress), and my diet begins to consist of anything that can be microwaved, blended, or ready-to-serve. Needless to say; the end result is not pretty. I keep telling myself that in less than one year I can have my life back...except I'm not entirely sure what that looks like. I think I'm still 99% stuck on the fact that I will win the lottery; like that time this woman called me twice in regards to being "re-entered" to win a Lexus; I was effing convinced I was going to win and had even planned out what I would do with the money after I won it (and sold it). Flash forward 2 years and I'm still scratching Gold Rush tickets. I won $6 dollars last week; tripled my initial investment.

Don't get me wrong, there are waaaay more things that I enjoy in my life than despise. Thank-god for my friends and family..oh and my wonderful husband ( the word still seems foreign to me as I was convinced for the majority of my years before this that I would remain single and have a cat-breeding farm somewhere in the woods...however part of that dream is still possible?)

In other news. Had the in-laws up for the weekend, how fitting that it was Wine Fest! Saturday involved me finishing a paper with 1.5 hours to spare and then spending the rest of the day, afternoon, and evening drinking copious amounts of liquids with varying alcohol contents. Things that I remember, or that I was told I did that evening:

Going for lunch at Hillside and drinking half a bottle of wine - remembered
Doing a wine tasting a various wineries - (remembered)
Having over $150 of wine bought for me by my lovely family - (Seriously? Of course)
Going back to the hotel, drinking vodka on the rocks (thanks mother-in-law) and getting dressed - (slightly blurry)
Going pee at the restaurant and realizing that my thong was on backwards all morning: (Why yes I do!)
Going to the Vees Game- (Remember entering and drinking above-mentioned vodka out of a water bottle)
Peeing in the bushes outside of the rink in front of my in-laws (NO)
Eating chicken wings and food at the restaurant - (Barely, though I remember not finishing my drink)
Taking a cab ride home (Apparently) ....side note, I woke up on Sunday morning and said to Fraser;

 "I actually don't feel that badly and I remember most of everything, except the cab ride home was a little blurry"
FRASER: "Well that's because I DROVE home"

All in all it was a pretty classy night, I really have no idea what I even talked about or if I was even able to talk; the morning resulted in me hoping, as I always do after a night like that, that everyone else was equally as shitfaced as I was.

It is now Tuesday and I think I am finally over my hangover. I don't get it, the old people drank me under the table and were twice my age; not to mention they were all up before 8 am the next morning while I was still asleep in a vodka induced coma. So much for a healthy start to October. It's bad enough that I already dislike Monday's, but heading to work after a weekend of above-legal blood alcohol levels could closely resemble HELL. I came home that evening and ate my weight in Turkey casserole; lazed around on the couch in my "no sex pants" as Fraser calls them, and then just before going to bed I realized that I had somehow over-looked a paper that was due in 4 hours; nothing like last minute. For fuck sakes.

Now to recover and do it all over again next weekend; hopefully this time I'll have my big girl panties on straight.

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