Tuesday 23 October 2012

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward"

You know those times where it probably isn't a good idea to go out in public or communicate with anyone of the human species due to your horribly un-excused attitude?? Well it's one of those times for me; I almost choked a bitch in the save-on foods check out; except it wasn't a bitch, it was a 9 year old boy annoying the living shit out of me and his oblivious father that has no doubt instilled those "talents" into his child. It's always the people who should have been deemed "unfit" to be parents that seem to procreate like rabbits and produce little mini versions of themselves. Wholy Christ. Whew. Maybe it's the fact that Facebook appears to have become "Baby" central as of late; goddamn, I fully expect that the next add to appear on my timeline wall will go something like this;

 "Get your 1939 Nun Cornette and Habit at 50% off if you buy now. Your ovaries may have given up on you, but Jesus hasn't!"

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against babies, people having babies, and the fact that I don't have one (Thank Jesus - pun intended); but goddamn, I already have put enough pressure on myself to PICK A CAREER (and stick with it) and to finally finish school that the last thing I need is a constant reminder of the many "milestones in life" that I have yet to even ponder. Maybe I should have thought about this before I "accepted" successful people as my friends on Facebook. I need more sub-par friends that I can compare my life to and  feel good about myself selfishly while I sleep at night. I guess that's why I like watching The Biggest Loser while eating horrible shit food. But lets be honest, and I may just be tooting my own horn here, but making a baby or getting successfully fat don't take much effort do they?? (in most cases)??? For sweet shit sakes, you could do them both at the same time!!! Getting a degree however takes years of procrastination, debt, dignity sacrifice, and the conclusion that any chance of "normalcy" can pretty much be thrown at the proverbial shit fan. Maybe I'm going to become one of those socially-stigmatized women that "chooses her career over raising a family?".......................Probably not as I'm pretty sure that I'm destined to have some sort of fetal surprise (mistake) in my future. Well, then again, there's really no need to worry as I think there has been enough "Jesus slander" and anti-human race comments to ensure me a speedy one way ticket straight to hell.
Until next time.

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